Duck Hunting

Duck Hunts
Our guided duck hunts are a great way to enjoy the outdoors during winter. The Mississippi Sound offers world class open water duck hunting! A large population of Redheads, Scaup (Greater and Lesser Bluebills), and Buffleheads winter off of the Mississippi Gulf Coast season after season. Our duck hunts may take place anywhere from state-line to state-line depending on where the birds are holding. We scout all season to be in the know and to do our best to stay on top of the ducks.
We use roughly 100 decoys to draw the birds in and may hunt from the boat, a blind, or simply a sandbar. We use a 21' Starcraft boat powered by a modern four stroke Yamaha 115 outboard to get us to where the birds are. It has high freeboard and a deep v to safely navigate the sound during winter weather. The boat is lightweight but beamy so it doesn't draft much and allows us to get into shallow water. It has ample room to hold all of our hunters, decoys, equipment, firearms, and gear for the day. It easily accommodates up to 4 hunters. Please feel free to call to inquire about larger groups. We have multiple bay boats available to transport larger parties if need be.
Our Decoys are setup on longlines which makes it easier to deploy and retrieve them. Heavy weights on each end of the lines keep the decoys from drifting off due to rough seas or strong currents. We setup in close proximity of the decoys to give ourself the best chance of downing birds. Most of the birds in the gulf are not wary of anything other than land and movement. Unlike most puddle ducks in the area, the diver ducks, in which we target, will fly the majority of the day! This allows us to have more opportunity to see and take more ducks. The bottoms in which we hunt are primarly hard sand bottom with seagrass. Thats what the ducks are here to eat, the roots (tubers) of the seagrass. It is not uncommon to be able to see rafts of a thousand ducks sitting on the water. We often have flocks of well over 100 birds land in our decoys at once. Though, the more common flock sizes we encounter are smaller.
The primary targets are Trophy Redheads. We also encounter Greater and Lesser Scaup as well as Buffleheads on almost every trip. I am fond of each of these few species. The Redhead is the largest duck we usually encounter and are in great numbers. They are majestic and are sought after for both a trophy for the wall and their great taste. The Bluebills will barrel in with their acrobatic moves. They are speedy and somewhat harder to read than the redheads. Sometimes they will skirt the decoys while other times they will cup up and plop right down. And the Buffleheads, which are North Americas smallest duck, will zip right in and make you question yourself on how you missed the shot. They like their own kind and usually only decoy to their specific decoys set off to the side of the main spread. They are built like little tanks, a tough bird to down. The drakes are especially beautiful. On the rare occasion, we may have the opportunity to take some puddle ducks, various scoters, old squaw, and there is always the possibility of snow or blue geese meandering in.
Trips will depart from the agreed upon meeting place approximately two hours before legal shooting time. The hunt will last until limits have been reached or until @ noon if need be.
Hunters will need:
Waders that don't leak
Plugged 10,12,16, or 20 gauge shotgun. (12 gauge is preferred)
2-3 boxes of steel/non-toxic shells per hunter. These ducks are hearty and shots can be challenging at times. #1-#4. I prefer #2-4. Use what your are comfortable with
Appropriate camouflage clothing. Some hunts it may be 70 degrees while other days it may be in the low teens and/or raining. Wear layers.
Face mask or face paint.
Snacks and drinks for the day. I will have ample bottled water for all hunters.
Licenses: You must have a Federal Waterfowl Stamp, a Mississippi State Waterfowl Stamp, and a Mississippi Small Game License.
Duck Hunt Pricing:
2 hunters- $225 per hunter
3-5 hunters- $200 per hunter